Two new Senior Fellows to arrive in August 2021

We are welcoming our first Senior Fellows after the start of the pandemic, Albrecht Klemm from Bonn and Mikhail Lyubich from Stony Brook. 

by Livia Kürsteiner

Albrecht Klemm, Professor of Physics at the University of Bonn, received his Ph.D in 1990 from the University of Heidelberg. He is a leader in many directions related to string theory, mirror symmetry, enumerative geometry, and modular forms. A long-standing interest of his has been the higher genus structure of topological string theory for Calabi-Yau manifolds where Klemm's contributions include the topological vertex, modular forms related to K3 geometries, and the study of the holomorphic anomaly equation.

Mikhail Lyubich, Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Stony Brook University, received his Ph.D. in 1984 from Tashkent State University. He is a leader in the field of low-dimensional dynamics (real and complex) and has proven fundamental results on the dynamics of quadratic maps, Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser universality, and, more recently, on the Mandelbrot locally connected conjecture. Lyubich was an invited speaker at the ICM 1994 and a plenary speaker at the ICM 2014. 

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